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Dry-Ish January, For The Sober Curious

Going completely cold turkey with drinking for “dry January” can be scary and difficult for people.  But a semi-dry January sounds less extreme and do-able. Instead of stopping altogether, you’re just cutting back. In today's blog, you can learn five tips for success for a semi dry January.

Tip number one is really  thinking about what drinking means to you. There can be many reasons as to why people drink. Some can be it makes social gatherings more entertaining, it takes the stress away from a hard day or happy hour drinks with co-workers is just so much fun. By making a list of potential reasons and adding more when you figure out new ones, this will help you come up with better coping strategies that will benefit you as you move forward in life. 

Tip number 2, start thinking about how alcohol affects you. You need to understand alcohol's impact on you, recognize that alcohol affects your brain chemistry. Ask yourself, “why does alcohol make me act a certain way and why is it empowering?”.  Educate yourself on how alcohol processes in your body, you could feel amazing while drunk but in the morning you feel terrible. Certain drinking habits can keep you from feeling your best, so learning to say “no” to a second drink will help you in the morning. 

Tip number 3, stay focused on what you’ll gain. A semi-sober month can sound like a real drag but think about it, you’ll be getting better sleep, not hangovers, enhanced focus and the best one- saving more money. The abundance mindset will keep you in acknowledgement of what already have or will gain, rather than regret of a loss. 

Tip number 4, keep your progress in mind and not perfection. Slipping up or craving doesn’t make you weak or a failure, you’re human. Each time is a learning experience, immediate change isn’t going to happen overnight so be easy on yourself. 

Tip number 5, make a specific plan. Setting weekly goals for yourself is better than just saying you’re going to drink less. Start by seeing how many drinks you typically have a week. An example could be cutting down each week by 10%, but no more than 25%. Identify which days you will be drinking and limit yourself. Planning ahead will ease your mind so you are not stressed to make a choice the day of.   



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